Supervision & Mentoring
I have a Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Supervision, Team Support and Consultancy and I offer supervision to individuals and groups at all stages in their work. I believe that regular supervision creates a foundation and clarity.
Supervision is a basic requirement once the student is ready to begin working with clients and, we believe, should continue throughout a practitioner’s career. It provides both the student and competent practitioner with a continuing overview of their competency in their work. An opportunity for the continuing development of understanding and skills, a forum to find support, challenge and encouragement and a necessary monitoring of the work with clients. (Sills Fish and Lapworth, Gestalt Counselling 1995).
Supervision article
As part of my work towards my Diploma in Supervision at Whittington Hospital School of Counselling and Psychotherapy I produced the following article in 2000. I have included the article here as it explains more fully the model of supervision that I use in my practice.
Download the Supervision Article as a PDF. You will require a copy of Adobe Reader (or a compatible PDF viewer) to access this file.
“Supervisors serve as the keepers of the faith and mentors of the young.”
I see my coaching and mentoring work as a specific extension of my counselling and therapy work. It allows more freedom to focus specifically upon areas of increased efficiency effectiveness and performance. My approach includes developing goals, exploring blocks and honing accurate evaluation of current and past performance. I am experienced in working with many specialisms and professional groups including musicians, performers, creative artists, business managers, sales managers and executives. My focus is to enable and empower, with an appropriate balance of support, challenge, direction and encouragement. As always my approach is individually tailored and compassionate.
“Coaching is the art of accessing and then developing the performance, learning and development of another.”
Baldwin, M. (2000) The Use Of Self In Therapy. The Haworth Press.
Carroll, M. (1996) Counselling Supervision: Theory, Skills And Practice.
Carroll, M. and Holloway, E. (1999) Counselling Supervision In Context. Sage publications.
Clarkson, P. (1994) The Achilles Syndrome. Element Books.
Clarkson, P. 2000) Ethics. Whurr Publications.
Davies, D. and Neale, C. (1996) Pink Therapy Volume 1 O.U.P.
Davies, D. and Neale, C. (1999) Pink Therapy Volume 2 O.U.P.
Davies, D. and Neale, C. (2000) Pink Therapy Volume 3 O.U.P.
Hawkins, P. and Shohet, R.(2000) Supervision In The Helping Professions. O.U.P.
Page, S. and Wosket, V. (1994) Supervising The Counsellor: A Cyclical Model. Routledge.
Page, S.(1999) The shadow and the counsellor. Routledge.
Sills, C., Fish, S. and Lapworth, P.(1995) Gestalt Counselling. Winslow.
Wosket, V. (1999) The Therapeutic Use Of Self. Routledge.
Other Useful Resources
Passionate Supervision by Robin Shohet. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (2008)
The Myth of the Untroubled Therapist by Marie Adams. Routledge (2014).
How to Flourish as a Psychotherapist by Brett Kahr. Phoenix (2019)